Friday, January 16, 2015

You Oughta Know: Letter School

Happy Weekend friends! 
I'm linking up with Jasmine over at Buzzing with Mrs. McClain for 
After reading about what I think YOU OUGHT KNOW, click on the links below to read about what other fabulous bloggers think YOU OUGHTA KNOW about too. 

My little guy is in Pre-K and has really taken a liking to all things letters. 
He's all about identifying letters and telling me their phonetic sounds. 
Over the past several months, he's started chunking sounds together to make words. 
Friends, this makes my "teacher heart" sing! Watching your own little one embrace the joys of learning to read is beyond words. 

So, I wanted to share with you a great little app that we purchased
awhile back for him to use.
This handwriting app is only $4.99 and is well worth the investment. 
{Click HERE for the iTunes App}

First off, let me clarify that this app is NOT just about letters, it covers numbers 1-10 as well.
Kids are able to explore uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and numbers through various interactions with proper formations, name identification, and phonetic sounds. 

After choosing a particular letter or number, kids are exposed to and interact with letter/number formation by performing one of the following options:
TAP - tap the dots (in the correct order) for the letter/number to appear.
TRACE - use your finger to drag the lines from dot to dot. If done correctly, a fun image retraces the letter/number.
WRITE - free-write the letter/number (reminders are given if necessary).

All the while, kids are earning stars and there are 2 levels of challenge for each letter (upper and lower) and number. 

Want to give it a FREE trial run?
Try Letter School Lite and get a sample of what you can experience with Letter School full version.

Hope you pick up some great ideas this weekend.


  1. I'm adding this to the the grow list of reason why we need iPads for the classroom. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank you for sharing this app! Definitely a great resource for lower elementary. I'd like to use it with my young son as well! Thanks for joining the hop this month :-)

    Buzzing With Mrs. McClain

  3. Pretty cool! This comes in handy for my ELLs even in 3rd!

    A LoveLi Class
