Thursday, November 13, 2014

Super Thankful (Primary Powers linky party)

I'm linking up with the Primary Powers gals for their 
Super Thankful Thread Linky party.
{Click on image to read more}

During this month of thankfulness, 
we're sharing what we're super thankful for. 

I am most grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ, who loves me and knows my heart, so much so that HE knows me better than I know myself. Without HIS love, I would be lost in this world and the pain that occurs from day to day would overcome my life. 
I love because HE loved me first! 

And what can I say about these two? Are they my daily motivation to soak up each and every day? Are they two of a kind, in more ways than one? Do they love me despite my faults and my errors? Do I love them beyond measure? Am I eternally appreciative that I was blessed with these wonderful beings? ABSOLUTELY YES!!! 

Let me tell you a small secret about myself! I have one of the BEST support systems!!! My family and friends are the kind of people that would give you the shirts off their backs and drop everything to be at your side if you needed them. I have been so fortunate to have loving parents, terrific grandparents, fabulous in-laws, amazing best friends, and wonderful friends. And here's the best part...they are "there" for me no matter WHERE I am. I could be across the nation and they're only a phone call away or in most cases, a text or FaceTime call. 

So as you can see, my life may not be perfect, but I'm thankful for the people I have in my life. I've been learning to value my relationships over my materials. And in this world, that's not always an easy lesson to learn. 


  1. I loved reading this! Definitely all things I'm thankful for as well. Thanks for sharing, I'm going to have to go and link up! :)

    1. Melissa - thanks friend. My list could have gone on and on, so I limited it to my top 3.

  2. You are lucky to have such a great support system!! That is so important!

    Crayons and Whimsy

    1. Christy - that is so true! I'm so fortunate to have these people in my life and I felt the need to recognize that.

  3. Such a lovely post Amanda!! Your family is so sweet!
    A Burst of First

  4. You have so much to be thankful for!!! Have a great weekend!

    A Sunny Day in First Grade

    1. Totally agree, Sarah, totally agree. Have a wonderful weekend.
