Friday, November 7, 2014

Stop, SWAP, & Roll Product Swap & GIVEAWAY

Over the past few weeks, I've been chatting with Monique over at 
(Click on image to go to her blog)

We've been teamed up by Melissa, over at Jungle Learners, for her 
( Click on image to go to Jungle Learner's Product Swap post) 

There are so many teacher bloggers, from around the country, that have been teaming up to swap products and give you all the great details about what other teachers are doing in their classrooms. 

* * So go check out Jungle Learner's post to see more bloggers sharing! * *

It's an awesome opportunity to talk to other bloggers 
Monique and I got to pick a product out of each other's TPT stores to try out with our own students. 

from my store
(go check out her blog to get the inside scoop on how she put 
it to use in her classroom)
*** Hint, hint: I'm putting it on sale until the giveaway ends ***
(click on image to purchase) 

and then that lovely gal sent me her 
(Click on image to purchase)

She knew it would definitely come in handy and 
pairs VERY well with the sight word puzzles!

I, immediately, wanted to put these products to use.

Starting with the puzzles, Monique has offered them in 
3 different printing options:
Full Color - colorful clipart and patterned backgrounds
(I used this option)
Simple Color - printer friendly with colorful clipart, white backgrounds
Full Black & White - copy friendly

Also, she has divided up the Pre-Primer words into five lists of 10 words each.
The lists are split based on word frequency.
The 1st list contains the 10 most frequently used/seen Pre-Primer sight words (the, to, and,...) while the 5th list contains the Pre-Primer sights that are used/seen less frequently (all, on, that,...).

I used the 1st list and prepped the station so that students would have the list of all 10 words in order to insure they completed all 10 puzzles. 

Using the word card of the puzzle, students matched the word card to the word list and read the word. 
This step just helped to keep track of covering each word on the list and reinforcing sight word recognition ; )

Next, using the sight word card, students built the sight word by collecting letter (puzzle) pieces from the rug and assembling them in the correct order to match the word card. 

Once the puzzle was assembled, I asked students to spell the sight word then read the word aloud. 
One of the best things about the Full Color printing option is that the puzzles are self-correcting!
If assembled correctly, the background pattern/color should match. 
This came in handy when this sweet guy tried to use the "o" from for in place of the "o" from you.
Not a huge deal, but the different background color gave him a hint that something wasn't right. 

After assembling all the puzzles, we focused on one of the sight words for extra practice.
Using the printables from the Sight Word Bundle: Read, Color, Circle, Create, we practiced the word the
(Click here to purchase)

These two products are awesome by themselves but man do they really drive the learning home when paired together. 

So now that Monique has let me try out her wonderful sight word products, you should too!
Want a chance to put the SIGHT WORD PRACTICE PUZZLES: PRE-PRIMER to use in your classroom?

Enter our giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love that the puzzles come in different printing options! Thank you so much for sharing about Monique's products. She's so sweet to send you her Sight Word Bundle too! I may have just added them to my wishlist and entered your giveaway. Thanks for participating, I'd love to have you sign up for the next swap too! Have a fabulous week! :]

    Jungle Learners Blog
    Jungle Learners TpT Store

  2. I totally agree. I was pleasantly surprised when Monique threw in that extra bonus and it was the perfect independent practice for after the puzzles. Definitely keep me posted on your next swap; I'd love to participate again.
