Friday, November 28, 2014

A Week of Giving THANKS & 5 for Friday

To say I fell off the blogging bandwagon this past week would be an accurate statement. 

I've been linking up with the ladies over at Blog Hoppin' for their A Week of Giving T.H.A.N.K.S. linky party and was doing quite well until Wednesday. 

And now since its Friday and I try my best to link up with Kacey, over at Doodle Bugs Teaching, for her weekly Five For Friday linky, I'm going to make today's thoughts a TWO BIRDS, ONE STONE-kinda post

So here we go...
 Wednesday's letter was A so, 
 I'm super grateful for antibacterial products! Any teacher knows that washing hands (on the regular) is important to decreasing the chances of catching ______(fill in the blank), but when you're in elementary classrooms, it's ESSENTIAL. My poor hands are bone dry throughout the school year, but I don't care. My sick days are minimal and we all know it takes more work to be absent.

Thursday's letter was N so,  
{Above notepads are Kate Spade}

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE notepads.
I mean it's kinda an obsession. 
I almost never walk about of Office Max, Staples, or Target without a new notepad...or a few.
And if I log on to Etsy, I almost always end up with a notepad in my cart. 
If you didn't know, Kacey (Doodle Bugs Teaching) has her own line of adorable paper products:
{Click here or image}

And today's letter is K so, 
When I was younger, my mom would usually tell me to kill people with kindness when I felt I was being treated unfairly or in a mean manner. I didn't really understand why I should be so nice to people when I wasn't be treated in the same way, but thankfully that life lesson was learned. I do my best to pass that non-standards based lesson on to my students. Being nice to those that maybe aren't so nice to you isn't about be a punching bag for others, it's about rising above a behavior and emulating what our Savior, Jesus Christ, has demonstrated. 
Kindness is our body's way of showing others what is in our hearts. 

First linky on to the next.

 I've completed my latest product:
Here's a sneak peek...
And I've loaded it up onto TPT, but waiting to blog about it unit later.
Spending quality time with my guys this weekend.
 I've been wanting to update my credits page for a long time. 
When I say long time read A YEAR.
Well, I finally sat down on Wednesday and did just that. 
This is the final product and it's a vast improvement over what I had. 
 We went to some friends' home for Thanksgiving yesterday for a potluck style gathering. 
I volunteered for pies.
Toot, toot (that's me tooting my own horn).
Apple and Pecan from a Southern girl. 
I'm putting my entire store on sale (20% off) this upcoming Monday & Tuesday for TPT's site wide Super Cyber Savings Sale. With the site's 8% discount, you can save 28% off ALL my products. 
Remember to type in TPTCYBER at checkout...don't forget. 
Get Ready! Go fill up those wish lists and carts. 
Kacey is taking a mini-vacay from the 5 for Friday linky during December, so I'm going to follow suit and do the same. I hope you'll continue to follow my happenings (and upcoming FREEBIES) by following me on 


  1. I am TOTALLY thankful for antibiotics, too! Kids are very germy, and love to share. I'm kind of surprised I don't get sick more often. It must be all those antibacterials I use! :)

    Your blog is SUPER cute!

    Caffeine and Lesson Plans
