Friday, September 12, 2014

Crayons...have they "quit" yet?

Fun Fact : "The first two crayons in a box to be worn down to nubs are usually the black followed by the red." - Not Another Apple for the Teacher by Erin Barrett & Jack Mingo

So, it's are those crayons holding up? For me, they're usually broken in halves and worn down to an inch long. Those poor crayons! They sure do get abused in elementary classrooms. 

Which brings me to one of my most favorite books in the past few years...
(Buy here)

Now, if you've been following me at all over the last couple of years, you KNOW that I'm a big (and I mean BIIIGGG) fan of author/illustrator Oliver Jeffers. I mean, I'm talking Facebook Fan so I know what he's working on and what to expect from him in the coming months. 

I knew that he collaborated with Drew Daywalt a few years back to illustrate The Day the Crayons Quit and I was highly anticipating it's release (June 2013). So what if I pre-ordered the book the moment it was put on's not like I was really "stalking" him...I stalk his stuff! 

It's only right that I create a RTL and comprehension game based on this magnificent book!
(Click on image to purchase)

Drew did such a fabulous job of writing this outstanding picture book...each crayon's plight is very believable. Which makes responding to this book sooo much FUN!

For the younger kiddos, there is the writing/drawing template The ______ Crayon Quits!
With every crayon color (from the book) represented {12 crayons + a BW template},
students are able to pick a color to draw and write about. I ask students to tell me why a particular crayon color quit...they can either give me a reason stated from the text or make up a reasonable one on their own. 

For slightly older students, there is a more detailed writing activity: Give Me One Good Reason...
Students are asked to convince one crayon color to stay in their crayon box. 
 On the graphic organizer, they are given space to write out their 3 reasons with details and draw for visualization.
Additionally, "Openers" {First Sentences} examples are given to help kick-start their writing.

For those crayon fanatics, a craftivity is included.
Making your very own crayon to go along with your writing.
(Please excuse poor quality photo)

Templates are provided for students to color and cut as well as simple directions on what to add (pipe cleaner arms & legs and googly eyes...pretty easy).

And top it all off is a fun comprehension game with easy to read question cards.
Print, cut, and (possibly) laminate...
all you need to add is a kitchen timer and you're set!

Reading this story to my students is honestly one of my favorite books of the year!
They really enjoy the text and illustrations
and I love watching them come up with funny reasons why crayons would quit!

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