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Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Oh my word! What have I gotten myself into?!?!

Ok, remember how I said I LOVED those cute blogs that all the other teacher-bloggers have?
Yeah so, my "go-getter" self decided to take on such a task...

Internal dialogue went something like this...
"Those other blogs are so much more appealing to the eye...they're so darn CUTE! Maybe I should look up where they got those cute layouts? Yeah, I'll do that!"

(Searched said blogs for names of blog designers...Designs by Kassie, Design by Christi, A Bird in Hand Designs, and the list goes on...and was overwhelmed with all the choices!)

"Man, I'd really love to fork over the money to have someone do this for me. 
Crud, I don't have that to spend right now...maybe I can save up over the next month...yeah, I'll save up and buy a custom design from one of those awesome blog designers. 
WAIT, what about in the meantime?!?! My blog is hideous! 
Hum, wonder if I could spruce it up a bit? I'll Google how to (fill in the blank)...
can't be that hard, right?"

Oh friends! There is a reason there are BLOG DESIGNERS and I'm not one of them. Granted, there are tons of fabulous tutorials out there on how to create X or enhance Y, but HTML code is just NOT MY THING!

So, needless to say, I've taken a good number of hours...lets not actually count them because then it would confirm that I've probably spent a good 2 just make some minor changes. And I have a few more to go...

I'm taking my own advice and entering at my own risk b/c blog designing (when you don't know what you're doing) has the potential to be hazardous to your health - lots of coffee consumed & late nights, and your time - spent a beautiful, sunny day indoors staring and trying to figure out what's what.

And for the record, I'm still saving for that gorgeous blog (designed by someone else!).

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