Friday, February 6, 2015

Five for Friday: February 6th

Just wow! 
It's been a bit since I last linked up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her 5 for Friday linky party. 

Pardon my absence. 
I've been knee deep in snow.

So let's just do a real quick catch-up over the last month and this week.
Blizzard Juno came and went...not as bad as I expected.
But then his smaller friends just keep tagging along and bringing more snow/ice to the NE.

Spent the better part of January updating my HOP ON IT sight word games.
I like them SOOO much better now. 
Check out my last blog post to learn more.

My sweet little dude is half way through his school year and is impressing me day by day. Got his first report card from Pre-K and, not to brag, but he pretty much rocks! Regardless of how well he did or didn't do, I LOVE THAT BOY MORE THAN HE'LL EVER KNOW.

Speaking of Pre-K, I made up this little ditty to help him with his numbers, counting, and number word recognition. I put it on my Facebook page as a 24 hour FLASH FREEBIE the other night, BUT I'm going to leave it up through tonight (FRIDAY) so you lovely people can grab it too. Hurray!

Lastly, I got a wild hair and decided to really go for it. I put together a blogger/TPT author meet-up in Providence (RI) for the end of the month! Posted it on Instagram and have already gotten a good number of people from CT, RI, and MA attending. If you are in the general area and wanna come join us, email me at

Ok friends, that's it, that's all. Next week will hopefully have more crafts (uh, Valentine's Day, duh). HAPPY FRIDAY!

Hip Hop. Hippie to the hippie, the hip, hip a hop, and you don't stop

Oh Sugar Hill Gang! 
You make me believe I can be a rapper. 

Until I realize I've mispronounced 3/4 of your famous

That's okay, I'll stick with what I do know...
Sight words and hip, hip hopping on them.
DOLCH HOP ON IT sight word games
I've always had great success with these simple activities that get students moving and practicing sight words all at the same time. 
Kids WANT to keep playing! 
There have been many times when I've had bring the game out to the playground. 

Each sight word set comes with a START & STOP card and sight word cards are placed in a path between the two.

Beginning at START, kids hop on each sight word card, picking up any cards of sight words they do not know or try to sound out. 

When they reach STOP, they use the stack of unknown sight word cards to fill in the recording sheet.
A few tips: 
I like to have my friends match up the sight word card to the sight word on the sheet and keep their finger on the word so they don't mark the wrong word. 

The sheet indicates to use checks and Xs, but highlighters are FUN!
So if you have them and trust your babes with them, use them.
They really do make those unknown sight words stand out. 
This has helped my friends have record of and focus on the sight words they need to practice. 
And parents REALLY love this on-going record so they can help too!

Watch Hop On It (DOLCH Pre-Primer) in action:
This sweet friend LOVES this game!
Trying to beat HIMSELF. 

Once your sweeties have mastered all the words in a set, he/she earns an achievement certificate!

I've bundled all 5 DOLCH sight word sets (Pre-Primer, Primer, 1st, 2nd, & 3rd) 
to save you money.
{Click on image or HERE to buy}

Or you can purchase each set separately.
{Click on image or HERE to buy}

{Click on image or HERE to buy}

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{Click on image or HERE to buy}