And several other bloggers took advantage of A+ Images awesome promo.
Monday, December 28, 2015
A+ Images FREE t-shirt
And several other bloggers took advantage of A+ Images awesome promo.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Haunted Halloween Hop!!!
Fall is in full swing and maybe your planning could use a little perk up!
Well lucky for you, some of your favorite TpT sellers have gotten together to make your Fall a little bit easier to plan with the Haunted Halloween Hop!
You can score ALL of these goodies!
Here's what you need to do:
1. Visit each blog on the loop for directions to snag the Secret Word.
Make sure to follow each seller - we'll be checking before we sent out prize packs!
2. Write down each seller's Secret Word on the Cheat Sheet!
3. Submit all of the secret words on the Google Form {and wait for the prize pack to be emailed to you!}
** Please note: because some of the sellers have secret words waiting for you on their TpT banner, you will need to visit their store using a computer, not a mobile device! **
Are you ready to put all that Halloween candy to a good use?
I was, am, and will be.
That's why I created Math M&M Monsters!
With a snack size M&M candy bag (Halloween portion), students sort and graph their individual bags.
Are you ready to put all that Halloween candy to a good use?
I was, am, and will be.
That's why I created Math M&M Monsters!
With a snack size M&M candy bag (Halloween portion), students sort and graph their individual bags.
Need some more fun with those candy pieces?
Have your kiddos add groups, compare numbers, and/or create patterns!
Head on over and FOLLOW me in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.
DON'T FORGET to write down my Secret Word.
Remember to view my store from a computer so you can see my banner!
Now, head on over to visit Melissa over at First Grade Smiles to see the amazing goody she's sharing!
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Learn Like A Pirate {Responsibility}
Monday, June 29, 2015
TPT Seller Challenge Week 2: Dare to Dream
Do you have hopes and aspirations for your TPT business? I'm sure the answer is YES! Lots of us do. You may have started your TPT shop as a way to share out the awesome resources you've created, thinking you might make a few bucks to pay back that cute clipart you purchased. Or maybe you thought that TPT would be a great at-home venture while you took care of your children. Whatever your reason for starting, I'm sure you've developed some dreams for what could happen if your shop took off.
That's the focus of TPT Seller Challenge Week 2 - what are your dreams for your shop?
My classroom library is already substantial. I can't really complain! But, wouldn't it be amazing if my students had access to a plethora of themes, categories, and types of books? Everything from all the titles of Skippy Jon Jones to Skeletons of Mammals. Poetry, fables, and wordless texts. I love the library, but what if the library was literally in my classroom? Or at least a considerable portion of it? My teacher heart would be HAPPY!
One of the greatest gifts we can give others is our time and resources. That's one of the main reasons I choose the teaching profession. However, there are sooo many other areas of my life that I would LOVE to give my time & resources. Ultimately, it's easier for me to give my time than my money. I stand in the grocery checkout line and wish I had the extra funds to buy a groceries for a young mother who is forced to choose between diapers and vegetables. I wish I could send a middle school neighbor to church camp since his parents can't afford it. I hope that one day I can lessen the burdens of others by contributing to their lives both in my time and my finances.
Let's face it, I won't be in my 30s forever...I need to be prepared for that moment when retirement is right around the corner. I hope my TPT business can help me save a more generous amount towards retirement so my hardworking husband and I can travel and enjoy those later years.
What are your hopes and dreams for your TPT business?
Go check out what others have to say by visiting the hostesses' blogs.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
RoCk your 1st year - tips for beginning teachers
Being a military spouse can be difficult when it comes to teaching! We move A LOT, so that means teaching at new schools in new states with new curriculums and new faces are just a part of my life. It can be overwhelming, but I love the benefits of it far more than the disadvantages. Pair that with the fact that my son is just now entering Kindergarten (this fall) and I've been in and out of the classroom the last 5 years, bouncing between stay-at-home mom and full-time/part-time teacher, I can honestly relate to the feeling of being the newbie on the block.
This year, I'm headed back to the classroom (FULL-TIME) with lil' guy in tow as I re-enter the world of KINDERGARTEN! I'm a seasoned teacher, but I'll be working in yet another new state, with new curriculum, and new faces. It's like standing on a weird wall between being a knowledgable veteran and the newest teacher there ever was. My teacher toolbag is full of resources, ideas, and whatnot, but I have to adjust to the school culture and learn the ins and outs.
When Chandra (Teaching with Crayons & Curls) and Lyssa (My Mommy Reads) announced their link up aimed at new teachers, I was super excited to join up and chime in. I thought it would be awesome to share what I practice each time I join a new staff, but I can't wait to read the terrific tips other seasoned teachers are offering. Whether you're a first year teacher or maybe joining a new staff, these tips can go a long way!
Consult your principal - did you know that the term principal (in education) comes from the original job description of the position, principal (or lead) teacher? That's right, principals were considered the lead educator of their schools, the most veteran, the most knowledgable, the most everything. Everyone knows that you should consult your colleagues, especially your grade-level teammates, on ideas, resources, and curriculum implementation, but as new teachers, we often steer clear of the principal's office. We don't want to bug them, appear incompetent, or draw attention to our classrooms for fear that they'll realize that we're...NEW and still figuring things out! I struggle with this, but I remind myself that each principal that has hired me was confident in my ability to make it happen and doesn't want to see me fail! Principals don't want to see you struggle or flounder about when they can help. Seek out their advice, consult their opinion, be comfortable with their feedback. They want you to succeed, because when you're successful, your students are successful!
Speak Up! - being a new teacher can be overwhelming, there is a ton of information thrown in your face and sometimes you feel like you're barely treading water. It's OK! If you feel like you're drowning, you don't know why a certain technique isn't working, you don't know where to look for resources, your management style isn't clicking with certain students, don't be afraid to admit you're struggling. We've all been there, even those teachers that seem to have it ALL TOGETHER, were first year teachers or have had those times where nothing seemed to be going their way. Chat with other teachers, be honest with them about your struggles/concerns. Even teachers in other grades can offer you sound advice. Heck, they might even come to your classroom to observe and help implement more effective practices, walk you through a computer program, or give you resources.
Get Involved! - one of the easiest ways to join your school's team is to get involved in extracurricular teams/committees. I've been on social committees, school improvement teams, student support groups, and Art Show committees. Joining these groups often builds relationships with teachers/support staff/school personnel that you don't get a chance to interact with often. For example, one of my very BEST friends was introduced to me, 10 years ago, in a New Teacher meeting in my principal's office. She was teaching 4th grade and I was teaching Pre-K. We taught in totally opposite ends of the school, but we shared a commonality of being first year teachers and joining our school's Social committee, which gave us the opportunity to connect outside of the instructional day. Another advantage joining extracurricular teams/committees is that you often get the chance to interact with students in different classes or grade-levels. This really pays big dividends when you see them during the school day or in the chance that you become their have an established relationship.
Recreate the wheel - I have to admit, I am so guilty of this. I need an idea or resource; rather than asking others if they have something I can use, I create something (often spending loads of time and money). Now, don't get me wrong, creating is amazing, I love it. However, before you start, ask around, see if someone has something you can use. You could save yourself time and money, which are precious commodities as a first year teacher!
Close your door - sometimes we get intimidated by other teachers' classrooms. Ms. Veteran's class is soooo quiet and all on task. Mr. Fun's class is so creative and they always have the best projects. Mrs. Master Teacher does everything right and her class is consistently exceeding expectations. First off, let me start by saying that we all started somewhere, all teachers were once 1st year educators and had to learn through trial & error. Nobody just magically became this amazing teacher that you see today! Secondly, when we become intimated by what we perceive as other teacher's perfection, we can draw in on ourselves as a way to hide or protect our perceived weaknesses. DON'T! Keep that classroom door open, let other teachers observe your teaching style, your procedures, your students. You might be surprised by what those teachers have to say!!! I, once, thought that my classroom was too loud and I'd constantly remind them to lower their voices, even though they were working in collaborative groups. I thought other teachers would think my kiddos were off task and not learning. Shockingly, during a staff meeting, another teacher (not one I interacted with often) praised my classroom management style and instructional methods, saying that she was encouraged by seeing a new teacher (it wasn't my first year, but I WAS young and new to the school) using collaborative groups in math and that she was going to try to do that same. That floored me!!! She was a veteran educator who I thought would be very critical of my attempts (insert eye-roll and a snide remark "she'll learn"), but I was absolutely WRONG! Keep that door open, you could be inadvertenly teaching others.
Cut yourself some slack - it's your first year! Perfection is rarely obtainable! Just try your best, utilize your resources, be open to feedback, and maybe have an adult beverage every once in awhile.
Head on over to Teaching with Crayons and Curls and My Mommy Reads for more tips for beginning teachers from some amazing bloggers.
Friday, June 26, 2015
TPT Seller Challenge: Week 1
I've been wanting to re-do one of my very first products, but ran out of time when I was overhauling a handful of my products this past winter. This was the PERFECT opportunity to give that original a beautiful facelift and work on it's "insides" as well.
Let's review what it use to look like (briefly)...
Pretty basic cover
Generic vowel pair cards
Non-uniformed clipart (literally pulled from various sources on web)
In total, the entire product was 10 pages, including vowel pair descriptions/information sheet, game instruction and cards, and answer key. To say it was basic is a HUGE understatement. I'm kinda embarrassed that I even put that up on TPT, BUT you've always got to start somewhere and THIS was my somewhere. It gave me a beginning and I'm proud of that!
But there is always room for improvement and here it is...
I love the more colorful clipart, game sample images, and specific description of what this product provides. I think it gives potential buyers a better idea of what they're considering.
The informational/vowel pair description pages have been cleaned up for ease of reading!
Super helpful if volunteers or parents are working with your students!!!
The original game (Memory) has gotten an upgrade with awesome clipart and bigger cards.
Picture puzzles were added for additional independent practice.
Group fun with BINGO was a must add to this product.
10 pages turned into 30 pages!
Tons of more activities that share corresponding clipart and easy set-up.
AANNNDDD, I'm going to leave this at it's original price of $2.00 until the end of the TPT Seller Challenge! If you already own, just simply redownload!
Once the challenge ends, the price will be more reflective of the product's new page and quality count.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Learn Like A Pirate {Improvement vs. Grade Focus}
Let me start by saying that I wasn't too intrigued by Chapter 4 of Learn Like A Pirate at first. The subtitle is Improvement Focus vs. Grade Focus. Yeah, I know about the difference, so let's just hurry on through this chapter so I can get to the next.
BUT, boy am I glad that I didn't just thumb through these pages.
Paul makes a bold statement "When students focus on grades rather than learning, extrinsic motivation drives their performance. In addition, their emotional well-being is often tied to those grades. Well-meaning parents then perpetuate the belief that grades matter above all else, because that was their school experience."
Friends! That just slapped us right in our faces!!! When we, as teachers and parents, praise or scold children for their letter/number grades, we are contributing to this HUGE problem of creating students who only care about the final result, not the journey or process! Students look to us for guidance and we're just reinforcing that A is better than C and 100 is the top of the tops. How in the world is Bobby or Katie going to feel when they get a D or 70???? The pits I tell ya, the pits!
Week 4 of LLAP book study has left me with some looming questions. Questions, I wish I could just sit down and discuss with Paul, himself.
He tells us to downplay grades (external motivation) and shift priority to personal improvement (internal motivation). His class DOES receive report cards, but Paul doesn't grade his students' work or projects and only gives a hand-full of tests/quizzes.
Okay Mr. Solarz, how in the world do you manage to get around those pesky requirements of having a certain number of grades in our grade book each quarter?
How do you "prove" to your administration that the grades on those report cards are truly indicative of your students' performance?
Let's move on: Paul offers us some great advice in how to provide A+ (disregard the grade association here) feedback to our students since giving numerical grades is going to drastically decrease.
1) Praise them! Let them know how proud you are of them for all their successes AND those mistakes. Even when they make mistakes, they took a risk and that's awesome!
2) Speak to students in a present or future tense. This allows them to see the feedback as constructive and they're able to change it next time.
Additionally, there are great tips on improving student behavior through Paul's 3-step management system (Warning, Behavior Point, Work-It-Out). I love how each step involves some sort of conferring with students, not just a dolling out of infractions and flipping of cards. I love the Work-It-Out think sheet idea!
How could I implement a Work-It-Out think sheet in Kindergarten? What might one look like?
It's so important to remember that "no mistake in class should cause tears" (thanks for that reminder, Paul).
As I continued reading, I found that even the statements about improving results and retention, independent thinking, and critical peer feedback were completely appropriate and applicable to younger learners. Tweak and adjust to fit their developmental levels and watch them become self-driven learners who know that the task is never truly finished and opportunities for improvement are just around the corner.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Learn Like A Pirate {Peer Collaboration}
Here we are in Week 3 of the Learn Like A Pirate (by Paul Solarz) book study and he’s wasted no time cutting to the chase…which seems to be his approach in most things - read the book and you’ll understand why Paul wrote this book…by laying out the P.I.R.A.T.E acronym in Section 2 of the book.
This week, we’re looking specifically at Chapter 3: Peer Collaboration. I must say, I LOVE (in all caps) the quote Paul uses to introduce the idea of collaboration to his students: “Two brains are better than one!”. I certainly intend on using this exact quote in my Kindergarten classroom next year. Even the youngest learners can grasp and value the concept of working together: thinking about other people’s ideas/thoughts and incorporating them into their own understanding. I can’t wait to set my “littles” up in collaborative exercises where they can bounce ideas off of each other and share their thinking to enhance everyone's understanding!
Obviously, I’m ready for the bumps, thumps, and straight-up potholes in the road! We’ll need a good bit of trial and error in order for these sweet kiddos to learn the art of working together without getting their feelings hurt, practicing patience, and working independently. But you know what? I’d much rather my students feel like their classmates are their “school family” than a bunch of other warm bodies breathing the same air. I want my students to feel comfortable and confident with their classmates; I want them to know that I have BIG plans for them, but they must rise to the challenge by taking part each and every day - minus puke days, they can stay home for those.
I love how Paul details his willingness to let his students interrupt him…yep, I said that. He LET’S them INTERRUPT the class…ON PURPOSE! I know this sounds completely cray-cray for so many of us, but if you give his book a once over, you’ll see that the ability to interrupt the class is very empowering for students. HOWEVER, Paul’s classroom isn’t a stinkin’ free-for-all. He sets expectations for how interruptions may be made (“Give Me 5”) and when to make them (share new learning, inform other groups of available assistance, ask questions, etc.). When students don’t utilize the power to interrupt in an appropriate manner or others don’t pay attention to the person making the claim, Paul provides immediate feedback to help students understand that “with great power comes great responsibility!” (all you Spidey fans may know this phrase). If they don’t respect the act, they ultimately aren’t respecting their peers or him.
And while it may be a tough pill to swallow with such young students, I do believe that in certain scenarios, I, too, could empower my kindergartners by transitioning the power over to them in collaborative activities. I mean, just think about it, there we are, working all independent-like in our literacy/phonics centers, and little Lucy Learner shouts “Give Me 5” and all 25 faces turn to her as she proudly announces that she and 2 classmates figured out a way to remember 5 sight words by coming up with a silly saying! Come on’, it COULD happen, people! She could totally scream out that she picked the biggest boogie ever too, but then I would just have to have a little chitty-chat-chat with her about using the “Give Me 5” appropriately (and for learning purposes). Or maybe my “teacher stare” would be more than enough, since I’ll be giving her my undivided attention as well.
Enough about Lucy’s boogies though, I think the biggest take-away from Paul’s chapter on Peer Collaboration is that giving students that opportunity to work together, stretch their individual thinking, and equip them with the power to share is ultimately transferring the responsibility of learning from YOU (the teacher) back to the student. Even kindergartners need to begin their educational careers with the mindset that it is THEIR job to learn, soak up all the knowledge they can, and use that learning to take them to the next level. You will only be their teacher for 180 days…you can’t be solely responsible for their learning every day of their educational journey. Give them the wheel to steer their own ship!
Side note: Due to traveling abroad, I kept this post relatively short (trust me, this is short for me). But, Paul provides some great insight to types of student leadership (let them figure out how to work together and when to throttle up/back their opinions), thoughts on learning spaces (you actually don’t NEED that perfectly designed classroom, you can still lust though), assigning specific partnerships for collaboration vs. the random popsicle method (hahaha, Paul!!! It’s an oldie, but a goodie.), teaching simple conflict-resolution strategies, and class meetings. Whew! That was a bit much. Read it! You won’t regret it.
Friday, June 12, 2015
Learn Like a Pirate {Common Concerns about Student-Led Classrooms}
After reading the first chapter of Learn Like a Pirate, I was revved up for transforming my classroom into an environment where students dare to take risks, challenge the parameters of traditional learning techniques, and invigorate my students to become independent learners and thinkers!!! To put it briefly, I was PUMPED!
BUT….just how in the world I am going to do this? Aren’t there a boat-load of obstacles to letting your students lead the classroom? Um, hello??? What about the standards and teaching targets? What if they miss something? What if we run out of time? Good golly, I could loose complete control over those 25+ students!!!
This may not work. For me, at least.
Thankfully, Paul Solarz does a great job of dispelling many of the common concerns we have as teachers of letting go of the absolute control and learning to trust in the process. He confirms that “Worries about managing a chaotic classroom, adding more work to an already busy schedule, or watching students’ grades slip can make the shift (to a student-led classroom) seem risky”. But isn’t that worth it compared to having students who just don’t give a hoot and could potentially start demonstrating poor behavior?!
I say, YES! Let’s get transforming!
Some of my biggest take-aways from this chapter are:
Controlling Cathies: Allow students to travel down a path of a wrong decision, let them learn from the mistake! Unless time prevents it, try not to interfere too much.
Mistake Molly: Highlight your mistakes and use them as learning opportunities. Failure & mistakes are not embarrassing, they are an important part of the learning process.
Too Much Tracy: Transformation and teaching/practicing expectations take time! Remind yourself and your students that new skills take time to develop…don’t give up!
Where to Begin Wendy: Not sure where to start? Me neither! Paul says to just start with expectations, discuss them with your class. Give tons of feedback and reflect on progress. Paul even tells us to allow our students to INTERRUPT….wheels screeching…WHAT??? Yep, give them the power to interrupt - obviously in a respectful way and you’ll need to talk about HOW to interrupt.
Ain’t No Time for That Annie: How in the heck are you going to work this in to your day? You probably already maximize time-on-task, efficient transitions, and integrate subjects. But are you giving your students the right activities to let them work independently? Are they completely dependent on you to be at the front of the class in order to learn? If so, you’re gonna need to plan carefully, merge subject matter to maximize learning opportunities, step aside, and then monitor learning. When kiddos are continuously engaged and looking forward to the next activity, they don’t have the chance to act up when you have to talk to Ms. So & So when she walks in your class.
Pessimistic Patty: I’m sorry, but MY students aren't suited for this type of learning environment. Woah, woah, woah. Back up, you might be super surprised, even those younger kiddos (think K-2) can start taking control of their learning. Give them a simple task to do without the need of your help. Then build up responsibilities as they grow in independence.
Only Extroverts Olivia: Some people may think that only extroverted learners can benefit from this type of setting. WRONG! With the right expectations and gentle guidance, even the shyest and wall-flowerish kids can learn how to take the helm of the ship and become strong leaders and risk-takers. ***Disclaimer: Please don’t try to change a child’s personality, just support them as they become more comfortable with the setting and thus will take chances at their own pace.
Paul wraps up the chapter by highlighting the BENEFITS of a Student-Led Classroom that far outweigh any concerns I would have.
Increased Retention - because they are leading their own learning, they are remembering FAR more than if they just sat and listened. Plus, they learn important life skills (collaboration, leadership, self-discipline, problem-solving, etc.) on top of that!
Feedback Frenzy - when you aren’t wrapped up with teaching every moment of the day, you can provide valuable feedback as you walk around and observe student learning. And even if you’re working 1:1 with a kiddo, the class won’t fall apart because you’re not right on top of them.
Teacher Evaluations - Do you worry that students may not perform perfectly when that highly-anticipated evaluation occurs? Honestly, I have! I’ve begged, bribed, and threatened! Not my finest hour! But really though, think about it, if your students are always actively engaged in collaborative learning groups, then it won’t matter that Principal Pete walks in with his clipboard/laptop. They won’t stop to stare at him, they won’t even notice him. And since you’re not the figure head at the front, they can’t give you wrong answers, they can only explore/investigate/challenge their and other’s thoughts. They’re taking charge of their own learning by actively participating, assuming responsibility of their own understanding, aware of the learning targets, and reflective on whether or not they are reaching said targets. All the while, you’re walking and talking around the room, giving feedback, helping those who might be struggling (pairing up kiddos to teach each other), and possibly targeting specific student needs. And let’s be really REAL, no principal is going to HATE that.
Go read Chapter 2 if you haven’t already! This book is AH-mazing, y’all.
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Learn Like a Pirate {What is a Student-Led Classroom?}
A few weeks back, I came across an IG post by the Primary Gal that caught my attention. She was gearing up for her summer book study; the book title was catchy and intrigued me enough to go straight to Amazon to look into it.
After reading the brief summary, I was all in! I want my classroom to be a bunch of pirates!
I'm linking up with Amanda (The Primary Gal) and several other teacher bloggers for this summer read. Each week, we'll share our thoughts, inspirations, and resources for transforming our classrooms into environments where students can led!
Chapter 1: What is a Student-Led Classroom?
That's a good question! My first response would be something along the lines of a room where students are in charge of what is being taught/learned, possibly slightly chaotic, and monitored by a teacher just for the sake of adult supervision.
That's a bit pessimistic, don't you think?
I love how Paul Solarz (author) describes what a student-led classroom is: "A student-led classroom is one in which students make decisions and choices throughout the day without consulting the teacher. These decisions impact their own actions, the actions of others, and even the actions of the teacher. Everyone in the classroom appears to have equal power and equal say in what happens, although everyone understands that the teacher's word is final."
He continues by describing how learning targets don't change, just the method of instruction. Less focus on the teacher talking (whaa-whaa-whaa in my best Charlie Brown teacher voice) and more on students becoming engaged and active learners. Say what you need to and let them explore the objective through teaching each other.
I love this concept. Obviously, it would be easier to implement in the later elementary grades, but I'm really looking forward to tweaking it for my upcoming Kindergartners. Given the proper preparation and procedures, those little learners definitely can start taking charge of their own learning in certain areas of content. Now, just how can I accomplish this with 5 year olds? Ah, that's a great question!
Start early and practice often! Pick a short segment of time each day to give students the opportunity to teach each other a skill that you've covered. Teach, practice, let them re-teach it back to others in the way they best understand the skill. That could be just one way to lay the foundation for students who take charge of their learning.
I think Paul's statement of being patient, praising every attempt, and practicing to make permeant are so important! It won't happen overnight, it might be more difficult for some than others, and require lots of practice, but oh won't it be it worth it when your students could essentially run the classroom on those dreaded days you have to be out?!
Check out what others are saying about Chapter 1 by clicking on the links below and come back next week to see what we thought about Chapter 2: Common Concerns about Student-Led Classrooms.